Did you know that 3 of the Top 10 most-shared YouTube videos in February 2011 were Superbowl ads? These are ads that bridged the gap between different mediums.

Volkswagen's ad, "The Force", started as a YouTube video, was reinforced on television during the Superbowl and then continued to garner hits online after the Superbowl (within 3 days after, it had received 22 million views on YouTube).

It's examples like this that reinforce that strategic use of multiple mediums can be a really good thing for a campaign.

One of the most successful campaigns we've ever done here combined outdoor with online and print to achieve a seamless, reinforced and growing message as the viewer increased their engagement from one medium to the next, eventually leading them to a personal connection.

This is the kind of strategic, campaign-based thinking that we want to steer our clients towards. It's ok to do a one-off website or a print piece that may garner you a momentary increase in exposure. But a complete campaign that is integrated and well-planned does far more to create a brand impression in the minds of your audience than a one-time hit.

Think of this in terms of networking. In going to an industry event, you will touch base with people and perhaps create an initial impression, but unless something unusual happens, that impression will likely just be a first touch to a relationship that you will build over time at other networking events and meetings as you repeatedly run into people.

The same is true in advertising. It is through repeatedly communicating in the right places and resonating with the people that you connect with, that lasting and deep relationships will happen.

Andrew VanderPloeg
Andrew VanderPloeg Guest Blogger, Consultant

Andrew served at Bark for over 20 years before recently taking over the role of Vice President of Marketing & Communications at ShareWord, one of our favorite organizations.