Here's a little tip…tweet your blogs.

We've always had a pretty quiet blog. By that I mean that we've typically not generated a lot of conversation on our blog posts. But we know from getting out and talking to people, that there are a lot of really passionate advocates out there that are silent readers on the blog. For that reason, our measurement of success for the blog has had to do more with readership than conversation.

Knowing that, our hope is that as we work to offer valuable content, we'll see our readership numbers go up. One strategy to help with increasing those numbers was to integrate our blogging with our @thinkradiant Twitter handle. About 8 months ago we started using our Twitter feed to tweet our blogs and have found that the more interactive community on that channel has increased our blog readership.

Last week, I ran a little test on this front. After posting a video interview that Mark did with Tic Long of Youth Specialties, I watched as our numbers over a couple days pushed up slowly and levelled off. Then, a couple days later, I posted a tweet about it using Tic and NYWC's Twitter handles and watched as the viewership on that specific post more than doubled.

This is the power of integrated marketing strategy. Blogging and Twitter are just one example, but it's an example with quick and easily measured results. Something to consider as part of your social media strategy.

Andrew VanderPloeg
Andrew VanderPloeg Guest Blogger, Consultant

Andrew served at Bark for over 20 years before recently taking over the role of Vice President of Marketing & Communications at ShareWord, one of our favorite organizations.