There’s a saying in golf: 100% of short putts, don’t go in.

And it’s true, they don’t. If you stand over your ball with your putter in your hand and consider all the factors of the putt you’re about to make: wind, moisture on the green, length of the grass, slope of the green, swales that you might have to putt through, and you get all those factors perfectly correct, but don’t hit the ball hard enough, it’s all for naught - you didn’t even give it a chance.

So here we are; you’re standing over your ‘ball on the green’, so to speak. You’ve got that project that you’ve done a lot of planning for, or that idea that’s been bouncing around in your head. Perhaps, you’ve received some advice from someone that you’ve been mulling over, or struggling to get to.

You’ve spent the time to evaluate all the factors of the ‘putt’ that you have to make and now, you’re ready to step up, line up, and hit the shot.

If that’s the case, let me encourage you: Don’t leave it short.

Don’t waste all the hard work to get all the other factors right, and then under-hit your shot. Risk it. Push the ball a touch harder. As they also say in the golf world, give it a good run.

We’re all on the green with you and would love a chance to cheer for a big putt.

Kinda like this:

Andrew VanderPloeg
Andrew VanderPloeg Guest Blogger, Consultant

Andrew served at Bark for over 20 years before recently taking over the role of Vice President of Marketing & Communications at ShareWord, one of our favorite organizations.